What is Bridging the Gap?
The purpose of the Alcoholics Anonymous Bridging the Gap program is to help A.A. newcomers getting out of treatment facilities, hospitals, and correctional facilities make the transition to their first A.A. meetings in their home community. A.A. experience suggests that attending meetings regularly and immediately upon release of a facility is critical.
The program matches a Newcomer with a Temporary Contact Volunteer based on their age, gender, and location. To bridge the gap, A.A. members have volunteered to be temporary contacts and introduce newcomers to Alcoholics Anonymous in their home community.
If you are being released from a facility and would like to request a Bridging the Gap Volunteer to introduce you to AA in your community click on “Request a Contact.”
If you are an AA member and would like to be a Temporary Volunteer to introduce a Newcomer being released from a facility to AA in your community click on “Volunteer Form.”
If you would like more information on the MSC Area 9 Treatment Facilities Committee and Bridging the Gap click on “Treatment Committee.”